Results for 'Eleanor M. Rawling'

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  1.  63
    The Politics and Practicalities of Curriculum Change 1991-2000: Issues Arising from a Study of School Geography in England. [REVIEW]Eleanor M. Rawling - 2001 - British Journal of Educational Studies 49 (2):137 - 158.
    A case study of the changing geography curriculum illuminates the continuing struggles over subject knowledge at national level, and highlights more general issues about ideology and the politics of curriculum change 1991-2000. The investigation focuses on the processes and impacts of two National Curriculum Reviews and the changing policy trends and structures becoming apparent under New Labour. Three phrases of curriculum policy-making are tentatively recognised, raising questions for further research.
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    Job Satisfaction, Retirement Attitude and Intended Retirement Age: A Conditional Process Analysis across Workers’ Level of Household Income.Eleanor M. M. Davies, Beatrice I. J. M. Van der Heijden & Matt Flynn - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The influence of solute atoms on the damping due to dislocations in iron alloys.P. M. Robinson & R. Rawlings - 1959 - Philosophical Magazine 4 (44):938-947.
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  4. Genetic control of cell communication in C. elegans development.Eleanor M. Maine & Judith Kimble - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (6):265-271.
    Cell communication is crucial for many aspects of growth and differentiation during the development of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Two genes, glp‐1 and lin‐12, mediate a number of known cell–cell interactions. Genetic and molecular analyses of these two genes lead to the conclusion that they are structurally and functionally related. We summarize these studies as well as those involving the identification of other genes that interact with glp‐1 and / or lin‐12.
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    Private Scholars-Public Intellectuals.Eleanor M. Godway - 1997 - International Studies in Philosophy 29 (1):35-44.
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    The Being Which Is Behind Us.Eleanor M. Godway - 1998 - International Studies in Philosophy 30 (1):47-56.
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    The crisis of the personal: Macmurray, postmodernism, and the challenge of philosophy today.Eleanor M. Godway - 2010 - Appraisal 8 (1).
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    R-S learning as a function of meaningfulness and degree of S-R learning.Eleanore M. Jantz & Benton J. Underwood - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 56 (2):174.
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    (1 other version)From the Book Review Editor.Eleanor M. Miller - 1987 - Gender and Society 1 (2):219-219.
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    Aphasia II: Cognitive issues.Eleanor M. Saffran - 2000 - In Martha J. Farah & Todd E. Feinberg, Patient-Based Approaches to Cognitive Neuroscience. MIT Press. pp. 183--198.
  11.  24
    Further evidence in support of a distributed semantic memory system.Eleanor M. Saffran & H. Branch Coslett - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (3):492-493.
    We offer additional points that support a distributed semantic memory: the activation of representations that are modality-specific; patients with inferotemporal lesions fail to activate visual object representations in semantic tasks, although normal subjects do; direct activation of action systems from pictorial information, but not from words; patients who demonstrate superiority with abstract words fail to access perceptual representations.
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    Forgiveness Mediates the Relationship Between Middle Frontal Gyrus Volume and Clinical Symptoms in Adolescents.Eleanor M. Schuttenberg, Jennifer T. Sneider, David H. Rosmarin, Julia E. Cohen-Gilbert, Emily N. Oot, Anna M. Seraikas, Elena R. Stein, Arkadiy L. Maksimovskiy, Sion K. Harris & Marisa M. Silveri - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Dispositional forgiveness is positively associated with many facets of wellbeing and has protective implications against depression and anxiety in adolescents. However, little work has been done to examine neurobiological aspects of forgiveness as they relate to clinical symptoms. In order to better understand the neural mechanisms supporting the protective role of forgiveness in adolescents, the current study examined the middle frontal gyrus, which comprises the majority of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and is associated with cognitive regulation, and its relationship to (...)
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    Perception and dialectic.Eleanor M. Shapiro - 1978 - Human Studies 1 (1):245 - 267.
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    Mechanisms of implicit reading in alexia.H. Branch Coslett & Eleanor M. Saffran - 1994 - In Martha J. Farah & Graham Ratcliff, Neuropsychology of High Level Vision: Collected Tutorial Essays : Carnegie Mellon Symposium on Cognition : Papers. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 299--330.
  15.  56
    Wild being, the prepredicative and expression: How Merleau-Ponty uses phenomenology to develop an ontology. [REVIEW]Eleanor M. Godway - 1993 - Man and World 26 (4):389-401.
  16.  36
    Sentence processing in the face of semantic loss: a case study.Sarah D. Breedin & Eleanor M. Saffran - 1999 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 128 (4):547.
  17.  37
    Contrasting effects of phonological priming in aphasic word production.Carolyn E. Wilshire & Eleanor M. Saffran - 2005 - Cognition 95 (1):31-71.
  18.  16
    What It Contains.Kurt H. Wolff & Eleanor M. Godway - 2002 - Lexington Books.
    What It Contains brings together the newest and most important essays of one of the most eminent and creative twentieth-century social theorists, Kurt H. Wolff. More than simply a collection of essays, this is a unified book with a highly self-reflexive and self-referential commentary running throughout the text. Extending and expanding on some of Wolff's important earlier work, the book covers topics that are of vital importance today: surrrender-and-catch, the ineluctable, man as a mixed phenomenon, and the paradox of socialization.
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    Lexical access in aphasic and nonaphasic speakers.Gary S. Dell, Myrna F. Schwartz, Nadine Martin, Eleanor M. Saffran & Deborah A. Gagnon - 1997 - Psychological Review 104 (4):801-838.
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    Sensitivity to grammatical structure in so-called agrammatic aphasics.Marcia C. Linebarger, Myrna F. Schwartz & Eleanor M. Saffran - 1983 - Cognition 13 (3):361-392.
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  21.  15
    Review: Who's in Disarray?: Some Views of Socialism in Eastern Europe. [REVIEW]S. George & Eleanor M. Wheeler - 1974 - Science and Society 38 (2):205 - 213.
  22.  32
    The role of computational models in neuropsychological investigations of language: Reply to Ruml and Caramazza (2000).Gary S. Dell, Myrna F. Schwartz, Nadine Martin, Eleanor M. Saffran & Deborah A. Gagnon - 2000 - Psychological Review 107 (3):635-645.
  23.  22
    Facing Death: An Ethical Exploration of Thanatophobia in Combat Casualty Care.Erika Ann Jeschke, Hannah R. Martinez, Eleanor M. Choi, John Dorsch & Sarah L. Huffman - 2023 - In Sheena M. Eagan & Daniel Messelken, Resource Scarcity in Austere Environments: An Ethical Examination of Triage and Medical Rules of Eligibility. Springer Verlag. pp. 189-209.
    This paper is going to explore the adverse effects of exposure to combat death on medics’ holistic well-being, which, if ignored could decrease individual readiness and negatively impact the mission. We rely on the experience of United States Air Force Special Operation Surgical Teams (AF SOST) whose exposure to mass casualty scenarios in austere environments could serve as approximations of conditions of future battlefields. Over the past two decades, the ability to deliver advanced medical care on and off the battlefield (...)
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    Syntactic processing in agrammatism: A reply to Zurif and Grodzinsky.Marcia C. Linebarger, Myrna F. Schwartz & Eleanor M. Saffran - 1983 - Cognition 15 (1-3):215-225.
  25.  44
    Liberty, equality, and law: selected Tanner lectures on moral philosophy.John Rawls & Sterling M. McMurrin (eds.) - 1987 - Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.
    The major moral issues of our time have been made vital and immediate by the convergence of numerous factors. Among these are a technology that has produced the threat of nuclear holocaust, that can maintain life beyond the death of the brain, that can destroy the natural world, and that produces deadly, indestructible waste. There is a new sensitivity to the injustices suffered by minorities. Impoverishment and starvation are now the fate of millions. Political tyranny is a continuing threat. Finally, (...)
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    “Girls Are as Good as Boys at Math” Implies That Boys Are Probably Better: A Study of Expressions of Gender Equality.Eleanor K. Chestnut & Ellen M. Markman - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (7):2229-2249.
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    Culture is an optometrist: Cultural contexts adjust the prescription of social learning bifocals.Jennifer M. Clegg, Nicole J. Wen & Bruce Rawlings - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e255.
    The “prescription” of humans' social learning bifocals is fine-tuned by cultural norms and, as a result, the readiness with which the instrumental or conventional lenses are used to view behavior differs across cultures. We present evidence for this possibility from cross-cultural work examining children's imitation and innovation.
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    Foraminifera as a model of the extensive variability in genome dynamics among eukaryotes.Eleanor J. Goetz, Mattia Greco, Hannah B. Rappaport, Agnes K. M. Weiner, Laura M. Walker, Samuel Bowser, Susan Goldstein & Laura A. Katz - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (10):2100267.
    Knowledge of eukaryotic life cycles and associated genome dynamics stems largely from research on animals, plants, and a small number of “model” (i.e., easily cultivable) lineages. This skewed sampling results in an underappreciation of the variability among the many microeukaryotic lineages, which represent the bulk of eukaryotic biodiversity. The range of complex nuclear transformations that exists within lineages of microbial eukaryotes challenges the textbook understanding of genome and nuclear cycles. Here, we look in‐depth at Foraminifera, an ancient (∼600 million‐year‐old) lineage (...)
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  29.  12
    Evadne, Iamos and Violets in Pindar's "Sixth Olympian".M. Eleanor Irwin - 1996 - Hermes 124 (4):385-395.
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    Beginning Japanese, Part 2.D. E. M. & Eleanor Harz Jorden - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (4):488.
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    (3 other versions)Time Will Tell: A Series on the Philosophy of Time.Nathan Eckstrand & Christina Rawls - 2020 - Blog of the APA.
    "Time Will Tell” is a series of professional interviews with scholars, both within and outside of philosophy and all with a social justice conscience, all academics who work on some aspect of time and/or temporality and human consciousness. Having worked on the concept for my Master’s thesis in 2004, I’m very interested in everything related to time. We all think about time. The four scholars who graciously agreed to the interviews are doing important and often utterly fascinating work on these (...)
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  32.  6
    Prayer and Perceptual (and Other) Experiences.Eleanor Schille-Hudson, Kara Weisman & Tanya M. Luhrmann - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (12):e70029.
    Prayer, a repeated practice of paying attention to one's inner mental world, is a core behavior across many faiths and traditions, understudied by cognitive scientists. Previous research suggests that humans pray because prayer changes the way they feel or how they think. This paper makes a novel argument: that prayer changes what they feel that they perceive. Those who pray, we find, are more likely to report sensory and perceptual experiences which they take to be evidence of a god or (...)
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    The New Sappho (E.) Greene, (M.B.) Skinner (edd.) The New Sappho on Old Age. Textual and Philosophical Issues. (Hellenic Studies 38.) Pp. viii + 213, ills. Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Press, Center for Hellenic Studies, 2009. Paper, £14.95, €18, US$19.95. ISBN: 978-0-674-03295-8. [REVIEW]Richard Rawles - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (2):362-365.
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    The Duty to Obey the Law: Selected Philosophical Readings.Leslie Green, Kent Greenawalt, Nancy J. Hirschmann, George Klosko, Mark C. Murphy, John Rawls, Joseph Raz, Rolf Sartorius, A. John Simmons, M. B. E. Smith, Philip Soper, Jeremy Waldron, Richard A. Wasserstrom & Robert Paul Wolff (eds.) - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The question 'Why should I obey the law?' introduces a contemporary puzzle that is as old as philosophy itself. The puzzle is especially troublesome if we think of cases in which breaking the law is not otherwise wrongful, and in which the chances of getting caught are negligible. Philosophers from Socrates to H.L.A. Hart have struggled to give reasoned support to the idea that we do have a general moral duty to obey the law but, more recently, the greater number (...)
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    Why Educational Neuroscience Needs Educational and School Psychology to Effectively Translate Neuroscience to Educational Practice.Gabrielle Wilcox, Laura M. Morett, Zachary Hawes & Eleanor J. Dommett - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:618449.
    The emerging discipline of educational neuroscience stands at a crossroads between those who see great promise in integrating neuroscience and education and those who see the disciplinary divide as insurmountable. However, such tension is at least partly due to the hitherto predominance of philosophy and theory over the establishment of concrete mechanisms and agents of change. If educational neuroscience is to move forward and emerge as a distinct discipline in its own right, the traditional boundaries and methods must be bridged, (...)
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  36.  44
    Jesus the Christ in the Light of Psychology.Some Aspects of the Life of Jesus from Psychological and Psycho- Analytic Point of View.Walter M. Horton, G. Stanley Hall, Georges Berguer, Eleanor Stimson Brooks & Van Wyck Brooks - 1924 - Journal of Philosophy 21 (19):509.
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  37.  18
    Eye Gaze and Aging: Selective and Combined Effects of Working Memory and Inhibitory Control.Trevor J. Crawford, Eleanor S. Smith & Donna M. Berry - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11:298724.
    Eye-tracking is increasingly studied as a cognitive and biological marker for the early signs of neuropsychological and psychiatric disorders. However, in order to make further progress, a more comprehensive understanding of the age-related effects on eye-tracking is essential. The antisaccade task requires participants to make saccadic eye movements away from a prepotent stimulus. Speculation on the cause of the observed age-related differences in the antisaccade task largely centers around two sources of cognitive dysfunction: inhibitory control (IC) and working memory (WM). (...)
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  38.  29
    Some Basic Questions About Human Research.Jay Katz, Alexander M. Capron & Eleanor Swift Glass - 1972 - Hastings Center Report 2 (6):1-3.
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    The Effect of Object Type on Building Scene Imagery—an MEG Study.Anna M. Monk, Gareth R. Barnes & Eleanor A. Maguire - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Epidermal growth factor receptor function in early mammalian development.Lynn M. Wiley, Eileen D. Adamson & Eleanor C. Tsark - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (10):839-846.
    We review here the data indicating a role for epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF receptor) signalling in early mouse development. Embryonic development of the metazoan embryo generally begins with the formation of a cystic structure and epithelial layers that subsequently form anlagen of the definitive body parts and organs. For the mammalian embryo, this cystic structure is a blastocyst whose wall consists of trophectoderm, the first epithelium to develop during mammalian embryogenesis. The onset of expression and function of EGF receptors (...)
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    Ancient Astronomy and Celestial Divination. N. M. Swerdlow.Eleanor Robson - 2001 - Isis 92 (1):148-149.
  42.  80
    On Climacus’s “Against Reason” Thesis.Eleanor Helms - 2017 - Faith and Philosophy 34 (4).
    I object to Merold Westphal’s characterization in Kierkegaard’s Concept of Faith (2014) of faith as “against reason.” I argue that Kierkegaard scholars emphasize the tension between faith and reason more than Kierkegaard does, affirming and perpetuating a broader antagonism in our own cultural climate. I suggest that the view of faith as transforming vision” developed by M. Jamie Ferreira and others makes better sense of the different facets of faith in Kierkegaard and the strengths of Westphal's account (especially faith as (...)
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    Roman villas. M. Dewar leisured resistance. Villas, literature and politics in the Roman world. Pp. XIV + 130. London and new York: Bloomsbury academic, 2014. Cased, £45, us$80. Isbn: 978-0-7156-3489-9. [REVIEW]Eleanor Winsor Leach - 2015 - The Classical Review 65 (1):210-212.
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  44. James M. Buchanan, John Rawls, and Democratic Governance.S. M. Amadae - 2011 - In Robert Cavelier, Approaching Deliberative Democracy. pp. 31-52.
    This article compares James M. Buchanan's and John Rawls's theories of democratic governance. In particular it compares their positions on the characteristics of a legitimate social contract. Where Buchanan argues that additional police force can be used to quell political demonstrations, Rawls argues for a social contract that meets the difference principle.
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    Characterizing Strategy Use During the Performance of Hippocampal-Dependent Tasks.Ian A. Clark, Anna M. Monk & Eleanor A. Maguire - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  46. Rawls on Liberty and Domination.M. Victoria Costa - 2009 - Res Publica 15 (4):397-413.
    One of the central elements of John Rawls’ argument in support of his two principles of justice is the intuitive normative ideal of citizens as free and equal. But taken in isolation, the claim that citizens are to be treated as free and equal is extremely indeterminate, and has virtually no clear implications for policy. In order to remedy this, the two principles of justice, together with the stipulation that citizens have basic interests in developing their moral capacities and pursuing (...)
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    SymmetryArt in Modern ArchitectureThe Artist at Work.J. P. Hodin, Hermann Weyl, Eleanor Bittermann, H. Ruhemann & E. M. Kemp - 1953 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 12 (1):133.
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  48.  37
    Fact vs. Affect in the Telephone Game: All Levels of Surprise Are Retold With High Accuracy, Even Independently of Facts.Fritz Breithaupt, Binyan Li, Torrin M. Liddell, Eleanor B. Schille-Hudson & Sarah Whaley - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:375712.
    When people retell stories, what guides their retelling? Most previous research on story retelling and story comprehension has focused on information accuracy as the key measure of stability in transmission. This paper suggests that there is a second, affective, dimension that provides stability for retellings, namely the audience affect of surprise. In a large-sample study with multiple iterations of retellings, we found evidence that people are quite accurate in preserving all degrees of surprisingness in serial reproduction – even when the (...)
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  49. Rawls, Citizenship, and Education.M. Victoria Costa - 2010 - Routledge.
    This book develops and applies a unified interpretation of John Rawls’ theory of justice as fairness in order to clarify the account of citizenship that Rawls relies upon, and the kind of educational policies that the state can legitimately pursue to promote social justice. Costa examines the role of the family as the "first school of justice" and its basic contribution to the moral and political development of children. It also argues that schools are necessary to supplement the education that (...)
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    Confucius, Rawls, and the sense of justice.Erin M. Cline - 2013 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Methods in comparative work -- The sense of justice in Rawls -- The sense of justice in the analects -- Two senses of justice -- The contemporary relevance of a sense of justice.
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